Monday, October 23, 2017

The Beguiled

Book menu for The Beguiled by Thomas Cullinan

ISBN of edition I read: 9780143132400 (movie tie-in paperback)

Food mentioned in The Beguiled:
Hard candy, 9-10, 12
Brandy, 11, 76-77, 81, 116
   Plum brandy, 25
Sherry, 25, 27
Toddies, 25
Wine, 26, 34, 81
    Madeira wine, 115-117
Pudding, 27
Bacon, 27, 56, 58, 209
Yams, 51
Beans, 51
Nuts, 51, 230, 328
   Walnuts, 52
   Hazelnuts, 52, 69
Blackberries, 52
Potato & leek soup, 57-58
Peas, 58
Salad, 58
Bread, 58
Biscuits, 78, 97, 157, 254, 361
Barley porridge, 97, 196, 200
Corn cakes, 97, 196, 280
   with blackberry jam, 279
Acorn coffee, 97-98, 173, 196, 254, 290
Champagne, 107
Ham, 361, 363, 364
   Ham & gravy, 108
Cake, 108, 361-363, 364
Pie, 108
Cherry tarts, 108
Sweet potato pie, 157, 361, 364
Black-eyed peas, 157
Irish potatoes, 157
Mint tea, 207
Turnip soup, 209-210
Berries, 230
Dried beef stew, 258
Turkey, 259

Books/authors mentioned in The Beguiled:
Edgar Allan Poe, 21, 91
John Donne, 26
John Locke, 36-37
The Iliad / Homer, 96
Montaigne, 109
Racine, 109
Voltaire, 109
Jean Jacques Rousseau, 109
John Keats, 114, 117
   "Ode on a Grecian Urn", 114
William Shakespeare, 114, 118, 149, 152, 160, 169, 303-304
    Macbeth, 170, 173, 303
Charles Darwin, 142
William Blake, 179, 181, 199
Gray's Anatomy of the Human Body, 215
Volpone / Ben Johnson, 303
Dr. Faustus / Christopher Marlowe, 303

Music/Songs mentioned in The Beguiled :
"Lorena", 126
"Blue Bonnie Flag", 127, 136
"Flow Gently Sweet Afton", 127
"Drink to Me Only with Thine Eyes", 127
"Somebody's Darling", 134
"Just Before the Battle Mother", 134
"Yellow Rose of Texas", 135
"Goober Peas", 135
"Dixie", 135
"John Brown's Body", 136
"Home Sweet Home", 136

Need a list like this for a book you're reading or an upcoming book-related event? Email me at for a free quote. (Please include "Book Menu Request" in the subject line). 

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Monday, October 9, 2017

What We Lose

Book menu for What We Lose by Zinzi Clemmons

ISBN of edition I read: 9780735221710 (hardcover)

Food mentioned in What We Lose:
Sesame chicken, 1
Vegetable fried rice, 2, 84
Shrimp lo mein, 2
Pineapple Soda, 2
Coffee, 45, 108
Oatmeal, 46
Thai food, 52
Peppermint tea, 61
Roast chicken, 62
Tomato soup, 79
Pork roast, 84
Mashed potato, 84
Bean, 84
Tangerines, 119
Durian fruit, 119
Papaya, 119
Steak, 122
Beef tongue, 145
Fish biryani, 145
Trifle, 145
Asparagus, 166
Scrambled eggs, 166
Apples, 166
Oranges, 166
Red wine, 189
Dirty martinis, 189

Books/Authors mentioned in What We Lose:
The Cancer Journals / Audre Lorde, epigraph
Minty Alley / C.L.R. James, 43
Jean Paul Sartre, 45
Marcel Proust, 45

Music mentioned in What We Lose:
Velvet Underground, 45
Bobby "Blue" Bland, 45
Al Green, 94

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Saturday, October 7, 2017


Book menu for Mudbound by Hillary Jordan

ISBN of edition I read: 9781565125698 (hardcover)

Food mentioned in Mudbound:
Whiskey, 7,9, 187
Coffee, 9, 13, 222, 257
Biscuits, 12, 57, 144-145, 256
   with milk gravy, 87
Bacon, 12
Eggs, 12
Grits, 12, 131, 256
Peach chess pie, 17
Wine, 17
Champagne, 24, 183
Gin, 43
Grape juice, 56
Figs, 56, 64
Apple butter, 57
Stew, 61
Cornbread, 61, 266-267, 285, 288
Licorice, ropes, 65
Chicken broth, 85
Ham and potatoes, 87
Shortbread, 102-103
Fried catfish, 136
Salt pork, 144
Beans, 144
Pickled okra, 144
Chocolate bar, 150
Dumplings, 156
Sauerkraut, 156
Sausages, 156
Rye bread, 156
Sweet tea, 166
Oranges, 208
Rabbit stew 225-226
Chili, 285

Books/Authors mentioned in Mudbound:
Let Us Now Praise Famous Men / Jame Agee, epigragh
Charles Dickens, 13, 20
The Brontes, 20
Herman Melville, 20
William Shakespeare
   Othello, 252
   The Merchant of Venice, 260

Music mentioned in Mudbound:
Duke Ellington, 24
Benny Goodman 24
Tommy Dorsey, 24
"White Christmas", 40
Lena Horne, 48
"Accentuate the Positive", 58
"Amazing Grace", 97

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