Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Bad Haircut

Book menu for Bad Haircut by Tom Perrotta

Here's a list of all the food, books, music, and movies mentioned in this collection of short stories.

"The Wiener Man"
Hot dogs, 2, 4-7, 10-11, 14, 21
Hamburgers, 4, 21
Pork chops, 13-14

Jimi Hendrix, 3

The Flintstones, 6

Jelly donuts, 26
Pizza, 26
French fries, 27
Gum drops, 29

The Twilight Zone, 25
Happy Days, 44

Billy Jack, 29

Peter Lemongello, 25


"Race Riot"

French Fries, 56
Coffee, 57
Boone's Farm wine, 60

Deep Purple, 52
Doobie Brothers, 61

Happy Days, 48

Hot cocoa, 68
Oreo cookies, 81
Hershey's Kisses, 81
Orange juice, 85

Charlie's Angels, 69
Starsky and Hutch, 78
Scooby-Doo, 83

Pizza, 103

"I Got a Name" / Jim Croce, 93
"Operator" / Jim Croce, 105
Zeppelin, 102
Lynyrd Skynyrd, 103

Jeopardy!, 103

"A Bill Floyd Xmas"
Rocky Road ice cream, 119
Christmas cookies, 119
Rum and Coke, 126-7

Zeppelin, 116
Aerosmith, 125
The Grateful Dead, 125

"You Start to Live"
Simon and Garfunkel, 134
Zeppelin, 149

"The Jane Pasco Fan Club"
Pop-Tarts, 158

The Lord of the Rings / J.R.R. Tolkien, 162
The Great Gatsby / F. Scott Fitzgerald, 165

The Graduate, 177

"Just the Way We Were"
Birthday cake, 1841-185
Oreo cookies, 185
Pepsi, 188
Blackberry brandy, 199

The Brady Bunch, 184

"We May Never Pass this Way Again", 191
The Carpenters, 193
"YMCA", 195
"Just the Way You Are" / Billy Joel, 196
"Dream On" /Areosmith, 196

Carrie, 197

"Wild Kingdom"
Beer, 213
Coffee, 214-215
Turkey sandwich, 226
Lasagna, 226

Wild Kingdom, 207, 209
The Munsters, 213

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Sunday, January 14, 2024

The Color Purple

Book menu for The Color Purple by Alice Walker

Food mentioned in The Color Purple:
Blackberry jam, 11
Ham, 49-50
Eggs, 49
Grits, 49
Coffee, 49
Flapjacks, 49
Orange juice, 49
Grapefruit, 49
Strawberries and cream, 49
Biscuits, 49-50, 226
Boxed chocolates, 56-57
Fried chicken, 60
Blackberry pie, 60, 208
Cornbread, 60, 208
Lemonade, 64-65, 288
Whiskey, 71
Sandwiches, 133
Cookies, 133
Tea, 133, 214
Dutch chocolate, 138
Palm wine, 147
Chicken and peanut stew, 147, 149
Watermelon, 164
Fruit punch 164beer, 203, 208
Ham and greens, 208
Chitlins and black-eyed peas, 208
Pickled okra, 208
Caramel cake, 208
Oatmeal, 225
Egg rolls, 244
Wonton soup, 244, 246
Fried rice 244
Fortune cookies, 244
Tuna casserole, 261
Potato salad, 288

Books/Authors mentioned in The Color Purple:
Hamlet / William Shakespeare, 256

Music mentioned in The Color Purple:
"Do Like You" / Steven Wonder, epigraph
"A Good Man is Hard to Find" / Bessie Smith, 71
Sophie Tucker, 106
Duke Ellington, 106

Discussable quote from The Color Purple:
"If [God] ever listened to poor colored women the world would be a different place, I can tell you". p.187

The Title is mentioned on:
Page 191: "I think it pisses God off if you walk by the color purple in a field somewhere and don't notice it."

Page 192: "Well, us talk and talk bout God, but I'm still adrift. Trying to chase that old white man out of my head. I been so busy thinking bout him I never truly notice nothing God make. Not a blade of corn (how it do that?) not the color purple (where it come from?). Not the little wildflowers. Nothing."

Page numbers refer to the hardcover edition (ISBN: 0151191549))

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Saturday, January 13, 2024

The Witch of Maracoor

Book menu for The Witch of Maracoor by Gregory Maguire

Food mentioned in The Witch of Maracoor:
Beer, 6, 215
Chowder, 27-28
Wine, 45, 108
Coffee, 58, 165, 178
Pistachios, 64, 127
Grapes, 66, 144
Meringues, 72
Hard cheese, 85
Port, 91
Nuts, 144
     Walnuts, 108
     Chestnuts, 150
Blueberries, 145
Apples, 150
Gooseberries, 150
Oatmeal and berries, 165
Boiled eggs, 178
Cheesy crackers, 206
Tea, 206
Sherry, 211
Lemonade, 234
Sausages, 256

Books/Authors mentioned in The Witch of Maracoor:
Twelfth Night / William Shakespeare, epigraph
"The Changing Light at Sandover" (poem) / James Merrill, epigraph

Discussable Quotes from The Witch of Maracoor:
"Any witch worth her ginger is at least somewhat immortal", p. 5

"One of the milestones of growing up is when we realize we can be done with living for others. Early on, we pay respect to the parents who gave us life by staying alive and living fully for them. Making their sacrifices worth it. I certainly labored under that belief for decades. But eventually we come round: we owe it to ourselves to live just as much as we owe it to anyone else.", p.166

Page numbers refer to the hardcover edition (ISBN: 9780063094062)

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