Monday, November 21, 2011

Twilight by Stephenie Meyer

Book menu for Twilight by Stephenie Meyer

ISBN of edition I read: 0316160172 (hardcover)

Food mentioned in Twilight by Stephenie Meyer:
Soda, 19, 40, 118
   Coke, 172
Apples, 19, 207
Bagels, 20, 242
Eggs and bacon, 31
Steak and potatoes, 33 
Cereal and Orange juice, 54
Chicken enchiladas, 78
Lemonade, 86, 91
Sandwiches, 118
Mushroom ravioli, 169
Granola bar, 196
Pizza, 207, 215
Grilled cheese sandwiches, 237
Lasagna, 250, 293

Books/Authors mentioned in Twilight by Stephenie Meyer:
Genesis 2:17 / The Bible, epigraph
Bronte, 15
   Wuthering Heights / Emily Bronte, 34
William Shakespeare, 15
   Macbeth , 110, 140
Geoffrey Chaucer, 15
William Faulkner, 15
Jane Austen,  147
   Pride and Prejudice, 148
   Sense and Sensibility, 148
  Mansfield Park, 148 

 Music mentioned in Twilight by Stephenie Meyer:
Claude Debussy , 105, 229
   "Claire de lune", 104
"Nocturnes" / Frederic Chopin, 252

Great vocabulary in Twilight by Stephenie Meyer:
omnipresent, 3
verbose, 5
dejectedly, 9
sallower, 10
pallid, 10
precariously, 14
prattled, 17
surreptitiously, 23
antagonistic, 23
animatedly, 40, 72
cursorily, 45
providentially, 56
petulance, 74
unerringly, 86
vacillating, 89
infinitesimally, 103
undulated, 117
attenuated, 123
raucously, 157
chortling, 158
ostentatious, 199, 223
futilely, 209
Injudicious, 215
sinuous, 247
   sinously, 264, 346
gratuitous, 252
incandescent, 260
scintillating, 260
contrite, 269
masochistic, 274
acerbic, 283
seraphic, 283
leonine, 324
euphoric, 397
balefully, 399
superfluous, 413
tersely, 429, 493
askance, 439
thrumming, 443
impasse, 477
vicarious, 482
mercurial, 497

Discussion questions for Twilight by Stephenie Meyer:
Why can't Edward read Bella's thoughts?
Discuss the book's title. Where in the novel is the title mentioned? (p.232,495, 497)  What, if any, is its significance?
Discuss the book's cover design.
Why did the author include the scene with the vampires playing baseball?

Libraries mentioned in Twilight by Stephenie Meyer:
page 38: I did drive to the library Saturday, but it was so poorly stocked that I didn't bother to get a card; I would have to make a date to visit Olympia or Seattle soon and find a good bookstore.

page 80: "Well, I wanted to get a few books -- the library here is pretty limited -- and maybe look at some clothes."

page 250: "No, Dad, don't change your plans. I've got a million things to do...homework, laundry...I need to go to the library and the grocery store. I'll be in and out all go have fun."

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