Sunday, March 29, 2020


Book menu for Watchmen by Alan Moore

Food mentioned in Watchmen:
Beer, 47, 71, 107, 118, 163
Bourbon, 55
Coffee, 84, 100, 155, 222
Popcorn, 111
Indonesian takeout, 131
Hamburgers, 256
Scotch mist, 300

Music mentioned in Watchmen
Wagner, 3, 5
     "The Rid of the Valkyries", 3, 4
Elvis Presley, 107, 119
The Beatles, 107
Pale Horse, 222, 337, 378, 383
Devo, 222
Billie Holiday, 222, 238
Nellie Lutcher, 222
Louis Jordan, 222
"Unforgettable" / Nat King Cole, 225
Mick Jagger, 378
Bruce Springstein, 378
Cage (band), 380
Krzysztof Penderecki (composer), 380
Pierry Henry (composer), 380
Terry Riley (composer), 380

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