Book Menu for The Lost Years
ISBN of edition I read: 044100668X
This is the first volume of a series about Arthurian legend and Merlin as a teenager. It is beautifully written yet full of action and imagination. Librarians who will be in the Burlington, Vermont are this fall: T.A. Barron will be a guest at the joint New England Library Association/Vermont Library Association conference (Oct. 2-4, 2011). I have heard him speak and he is very charismatic and inspiring to listen to.
Food mentioned in The Lost Years
Bread-in-milk, 53
Blackberry jam on bread crusts, 53
Raspberries, 63
Round of cheese, 63, 174
Apples, 89
Honey, 106, 127
Books/Authors mentioned in The Lost Years of Merlin :
Oedipus Rex
Games mentioned in The Lost Years of Merlin :
Discussion questions for The Lost Years of Merlin :
What do Rhia and Emrys have in common?
What ironies or coincidences did you find in this story?
What kind of moral struggles does Emrys enounter?
What does Emrys have in common with his parents?
How would you use "The Caller of Dreams"?